**Crathes Castle Fishing Offer** Buy two days in February and March and get one free

Bespoke Casting course

Commit to mastering fly casting techniques to get more from your time on the water

Bespoke Casting Course

Our aim with this intensive casting course is to deliver a series of lessons within a few weeks to take the casting and fishing skills of our customers to a new level. 

After many years of guiding and teaching short casting lessons spaced many months apart, we realised that if our customers were not able to practice or fish as often as they liked we would be teaching the same casts over and over again.

The course consists of 4 two hour sessions usually over the course of six weeks. Within this period we are able to formulate a specific tailored plan to cover everything necessary.  

We take pride in seeing our candidates become more accomplished anglers by the end of the course. 

The course DOES include an element of theory, quizzes and homework to ensure that the understanding of the casting principles is there, along with over eight hours of practical one on one training. 

For the fourth and final session we will combine the casting lesson with some salmon fishing on the river Dee or trout fishing on the river Don (depending on the course)

Spey Casting Course

Session 1: Spey Casting Principles, Efficient Roll casts & Double Spey (or Circle C depending on wind)

Session 2: 5 essentials in spey casting, re-cap on previous session and introduce Circle C (or double spey depending on wind)

Session 3: Which casts for when, re-cap on previous session, introduce single spey (or snake roll depending on wind)

Session 4: Re-cap on last session, introduce Snake roll (or single spey depending on wind), combine with some fishing on the River Dee to put into real fishing application. 


Theory of casting principles to be understood and tested.  

£350 pp

Single Handed Casting Course

Session 1: Over head casting principles, pick up and lay down cast, controlling loop shapes. Leader and rod, reel, line setup.

Session 2: 5 Essentials in fly casing, Re-cap on previous session, varying casting stroke/arc and timing to amount of line used. Double hauling and control of casts at distance.

Session 3: Roll cast into overhead casting and double hauling. Spey casts on the water, retrieves and tactics. Knot tying and fly selection. 

Session 4: Entomology, tactics, theory quiz, and session on the water catching fish. Fish handling. 

Homework: Theory of casting principles to be understood and tested on. 

£350 pp